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Custom SerDe

Steps invoved We start by implementing the  SerDe   interface and setting up the internal state variables needed by other methods. public class ColumnarMapSerDe implements SerDe { private List < String > columnNames; private ObjectInspector objectInspector; private Map < String, String > rowMap; The initialize method is called when a table is created. It is responsible for verifying that the table definition is compatible with the underlying serialization and deserialization mechanism. In this case, we only support strings. @Override public void initialize( Configuration conf, Properties tableProperties) throws SerDeException { final List < TypeInfo > columnTypes = TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfosFromTypeString( tableProperties.getProperty(LIST_COLUMN_TYPES)); // verify types for (TypeInfo type : columnTypes) { if (!type.getCategory().equals(PRIMITIVE) || The  serialize  method is called whenever a ro
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Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream

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